While we have been missing family and friends during this holiday season, we have had a holiday rich in new experiences. We began the week by attending a Christmas Program by the Salvation Army Children's Home. The program consisted of about 40 children singing Christmas songs and dancing their local folklore. This is the time of year that the Salvation Army makes all their money for the year. The Salvation Army is not supported by the government. Of note these children are from poor families. Many of these children do not have birth certificates, and if they do not have birth certificates they can not go to school. The Salvation Army helps them to get birth certificates, medical care and other needed services.
Christmas Eve we spent on the dock. We had a party with all our friends on the dock. We all made appetizers to share. We had a variety of great foods along with home made egg nog and Christmas songs blaring from the boats.
Christmas Day was a quite day for us. We spent the day cooking a turkey and playing games. We participated in the Cruisers Pot Luck Dinner. We had about 40 people in attendance. Again we had wonderful food from all. We have some new games to recommend to any of you who like games. One is Mexican Train and the other is Sequence. Both of them are fun with a group of people.
Wally is continuing to recover. He goes to physical therapy everyday. I know he's getting better as he wants to work on the boat all the time.
Angel has become the dock mascot and guard dog. Many of the cruisers visit her on a daily basis. She's receives dog treats from everyone. She keeps us busy and entertained.
1 comment:
Hey Wally !
Looks like you are having a great time. Who knew ? Ha! Enjoy your advenutre.
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