We completed 2009 by exploring old town Puerto Vallarta. While we had done this last year it is always fun to share it with friends. Puerto Vallarta has a long melacon with statues along the way, including all kinds of vendors. Sand sculptures are also common in the areas we have explored.

We celebrated New Year's Eve at La Cruz Inn with our friends. The owners of the Inn gave us full access to the grounds and restaurant. Our friends, Ed and Annette were one of the few guests at the Inn. We cooked a delicious dinner, shared good laughs and played our favorite game, Mexican Train. We brought in the New Year 3 times, once at 10 p.m. (New York time), 11 p.m. which is Puerto Vallarta time and then again at 12, La Cruz time. All of Banderas Bay sky line was lit up with fire works. It was beautiful. What a way to bring in 2010. Happy 2010!!! We admit...we have no meaningful New Years resolution other than to continue to enjoy ourselves.

New Year's Day we celebrated by attending a dance and dinner extravaganza, which was called "Rhythms of the Night". It was held at Las Caletas, a secluded cove only accessible by sea. It was also the past home of Hollywood director, John Huston.

We traveled by catamaran along the Banderas Bay coastline watching the sun set. We arrived at Las Caletas marked by flickering torches and candle light. (There is no electricity at this cove.)We were greeted by music and Mexican dancers in their dance attire. We had a very romantic dinner followed by a dance performance set against a torch lit pyramid and jungle. The area had candle lit pathways through the jungle. In the quiet one could hear all the sounds of the insects and birds of the jungle.

"A palapa in Yelapa is better than a condo in Redondo!" We have heard this many times so off we went to explore Yelapa. After a mile walk to the bus stop, 2 different buses(an hour), a walk to find the water taxi(panga), a 45 minute ride on a panga we arrived at Yelapa. Yelapa is at the southern most cove of Banderas Bay. (FYI-Banderas Bay is the world's 7th largest bay in the world. You will have to Google for the first 6 largest bays).

Yelapa is a tiny fishing village with a population of about 2000 people. The village is surrounded by the jungle and ocean. It has no roads or cars. We walked on brick paths through the village up to a waterfall. There were chickens, dogs and donkeys along the path.
Today I can check another item off my "bucket list". I went zip lining!!! Wally was happy to send me off with my girlfriend, Pamela. While Pamela and I both questioned what we had gotten ourselves into, it ended up being a blast. Stepping off the platform was the biggest challenge, however, once I was zipping along, what a rush. Another challenge was repelling. The ground sure looks a long way down. The guides kept telling us to look around at the tree tops, the foliage, the rivers, however I have to tell you, I just focused on getting to the opposite platform and wondering if I was going to crash into the tree. We had 16 different platforms with activities, different heights from the ground, and different zip lengths, climbing ladders, and walking suspended bridges. Both Pamela and I said we would do it again and are looking forward to our next outdoor adventure.

Recently when Wally and I were discussing "bucket lists" he told me he really did not have anything on his bucket list. He said he was happy and content. He then said my "bucket list" was enough for both of us!! However, as with zip lining, he is often happy to find a replacement for me to fulfill my bucket list. He even offered Pamela a half a pair of shoes to go with me. Life continues to be good for both of us!
I cannot believe you zipped. OMG you have "balls", but it looks like so much fun! I think climbing the ladder would be worse than the zipping. You are being able to try so much stuff down there..and fulfilling your bucket list, that is so cool. I cannot say our NY Eve was nearly as exciting as yours. We actually celebrated it the night before at a party with people from work. It was alot of fun; however on NY eve we were in bed by 10 PM. However I did celebrate it with New york if that counts for anything. Christmas was here and gone fast. We did get a treee this year which I have not done since 2005, Aarika really wantd one so we went and got one. We wnet down near san Diego for Christmas eve day and day after but unfortunately we all got sick with sore throats and colds, so were all kind of dragging,whatever we had spread like wild fires. It was good seeing you onChristams altho I must say I much more enjoy seeing you in person than on Skype! Glad you got your ineternet back, was good to hear about all your adventures! Sure do miss you. Will email you later. Tell Wally hi! Love you
omg can't believe you did it, well kind of since you got a tatoo! You and Tom can do that while Wally and I sip cocktails at the pool! LOL. Happy New Year..
Looks like we are cruising to Mexico via Carnival cruise on March 3rd. Would love to hook -up if possible.
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