We depart in the morning. We likely will not have internet coverage until Cabo. If you would like to see where we are check the web site of www. Baha Ha-Ha.com.
Joel this is for you. We are at 32 39 000, 117 06, 000.
Linda, Wally, and Angel exploring the Sea of Cortez
You all look like real cruisers! Have fun....
Wanted to say Bon Voyage--so glad we had the weekend "ashore" before you left to catch up. I'll keep track of you--enjoy the adventure,
Love, Geri
OMG you guys so look like Gilligans Island!! No wonder you won..I did not recognize you Linda until I made the picture bigger.
Great costumes!
So you are off and runing..wow three days on the ocean with no land.
Did Ally make herself a little track around the boat so she can still get her exercise??
And how is Angel..I am hoping she has adjusted to her limited space for relieving herself!!
And Wally how is Linda's cooking...any threatened over board throw s yet??!! lol
David I know you will be out somewhere on our birthday and what a great way to spend it. I will make you your brownies when you get home sometime, I hear in December??!! BUt until then have a GREAT HAAPY BIRTHDAY. We love you!!
Well you all be safe, race hard, and most of all have a fantastic time!!
Love you - Sharon
David - Happy Birthday!
Love DRH and BJH
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